Mega-Flex CAPS (600 CAPS)

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MegaFlex is comprised of important nutrients for dogs and cats to complement their overall diet. MegaFlex is a high potency formula designed to nourish and support connective tissue for healthy, flexible joints and comfortable movement. The formula features glucosamine sulfate, a critical precursor of synovial fluid and a necessary nutrient for rebuilding cartilage and improving joint function. Research studies at leading institutions have shown that glucosamine sulfate has a low molecular weight, thus enabling it to easily penetrate the villi of the small intestine and thus be well absorbed and utilized.

Recommended Usage (Capsules):

6 capsules for very large dogs (over 100 lbs.)

4 capsules for large dogs (75-100 lbs.)

2 capsules for medium-sized dogs (50-75 lbs.)

1 capsule for small dogs (up to 50 lbs.)

SKU: 8060 Category:

Additional information

Weight 530.136082 g

Rx Vitamins for Pets

VDI Test Results