VDI Laboratory

The right tests for the right decisions®

VDI is the leading provider of diagnostic testing in the fields of cancer, GI disease, atopy, dietary evaluation, disease screening, and other specialty applications. Your partner in traditional and integrative medicine.

New & Exciting

Cancer Blood Tests

VDI is a leader in cancer diagnostic blood tests. From screening for early cancer detection, to initial diagnosis of a suspected cancer and through to monitoring therapy and disease progression, our portfolio of cancer blood tests give you the tools you need to manage cancer in your patients.

Cat and Dog lying in the sun

Cancer Diagnostics

Diagnose and Monitor cancer in cats, dogs, and horses using blood tests. An effective first-step for cancer management.

Cancer Monitoring

The BEST tool for monitoring cancer patients. Disease progression, therapy efficacy, monitor remission, and more…

Woman with Golden Retriever

Cancer Screening

A true screening test for healthy pets. Detect cancer early, or give pet parents piece of mind that their pet is at low cancer risk.

Cat receiving an ultrasound

GI Lymphoma

Differentiate Lymphoma from IBD in the GI patient. Avoid the biopsy using a simple blood test to rule-in GI LSA.

Advanced GI Panel

The Advanced GI panel is the most inclusive first step for your GI patients. Over 12 parameters diagnosing 6+ GI diseases.

Wellness Testing

Wellness Testing

The best defense against cancer is being healthy. Taking the steps necessary to identify disease early, find and correct nutritional deficiencies, and track high-risk conditions starts with a simple blood test. Part of your pet’s annual, or bi-annual, vet visit should include bloodwork. But is it the RIGHT tests? VDI offers a collection of wellness panels designed to detect disease, correct vitamin deficiencies, and find those pets who are at risk for more serious complications like cancer and osteoarthritis.

Cat with dog eating from a bowl.

Essential Vitamin Testing

Wellness starts with diet. Unfortunately many diets lack the essential vitamins necessary. VDI offers a comprehensive Test & Treat approach to get your patients Vitamin Sufficient.

puppy and kitten in the grass

General Wellness Testing

Using high-sensitivity inflammatory markers, with intelligent diagnostics, VDI takes wellness in a whole new direction: early detection with actionable next steps.

Woman holding frisbee with dog jumping high for it.

Specialty Wellness Testing

Certain pets are at high risk for serious diseases like cancer and osteoarthritis. VDI offers advanced wellness tests, designed for the early detection of these diseases.

Acute Care Testing

Acute Care Testing

VDI continues to innovate and bring acute care and specialty blood diagnostics to use in companion animals. Below are some of our currently available panels for use in your practice. Add these tests to your tool set to help manage your patients with these diseases.

Great Dane running

Osteoarthritis Panel

Degenerative Joint Diseases, like osteoarthritis, can present before clinical signs. Now, a simple blood test can alert you to the presence of OA.

Agility dog doing the weave

Pre-Stem Cell Panel

With Stem-Cell Therapy (SCT) it’s important to remember: don’t throw fuel on the fire. Ensure your patients are cancer free prior to administering STC.

Golden retriever with chin on human's lap.  Human is petting a cat's head.

Calcemia Panel

Make diagnosing the root cause of abnormal calcium easier, with the VDI Calcemia Panel. Visual report gives you quick insight to the cause of your hyper/hypocalcemia.