Test Menu

Use the filters below to narrow down test options depending on what you’re looking for, or scroll the options below. Multiple filters can be selected. In the event that no test codes populate on your selection, contact VDI to see if that combination is possible for your patient. Not all combinations are listed. Sign into your account to see test prices.

TECHNICAL BULLETIN – temporary change to panels with Calcium or Chem 12. Read more here.

❄ = Frozen Serum Only

⭐ = Recommended / Best Value



  • Canine
  • Equine
  • Feline

Animal status

  • Acutely Ill
  • Apparently Healthy
  • Standalone Test
  • Suspected Cancer
  • Suspected GI Disease

Core tests

  • Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Haptoglobin (HPT)
  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA)
  • Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Folate (Fol)
  • Magnesium (Mg)
  • Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH)
  • Allergy Panel
  • Mineral Analysis
  • Microbiome Test

More tests

  • Neoplasia Index (NI)
  • Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA)
  • Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12)
  • Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL)
  • A/G Ratio (A/G)
  • Albumin (Alb)
  • Globulin (Glob)
  • Total Calcium (tCa)
  • Total Protein (TP)
  • Cortisol



Specialty Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Glucose, Insulin, Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Glucose, Insulin
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

The Insulin Resistance Panel aids in the management of diabetes and pre-diabetes in cats and dogs. Early detection and regular monitoring are vital for successful intervention whether using traditional or integrative approaches.

Includes Insulin and Glucose.

Fasting required.

320 – Insulin Resistance Panel ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Mineral Analysis, Fur Sample
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Mineral Analysis
  • Specimen Type: Fur Sample

Requires a FUR SAMPLE from the patient.

Fur Collection Kit can be ordered through VDI for resell to pet parents for at-home collection.


Fur (hair) is the only matrix suitable for studying a long period of exposure to pollutants or dietary deficiencies for macro and microminerals.  Pollutants circulating in the blood, through ingestion or inhalation, are automatically captured by the weft of the fur when it grows and stays intact.  By analyzing fur, we can assess any prolonged exposures to potentially harmful minerals and metals, as well as identify any shortcomings the pet’s diet may have.

HTMA is most often indicative of slow, long-term (progressive) problems not acute or transient issues. For this reason, abnormal results aren’t typically viewed at critical emergencies, however further investigation, bloodwork, or diagnostics may be suggested. Learn more about the Mineral and Toxic Metal Fur Analysis by scrolling down.


701 – Mineral & Toxic Metal Fur Analysis ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Mineral Analysis, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Fur Sample, Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Mineral Analysis, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Fur Sample, Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Requires a FUR SAMPLE from the patient as well as a SERUM SAMPLE.

Fur Collection Kit can be ordered through VDI for resell to pet parents for at-home collection.


Fur (hair) is the only matrix suitable for studying a long period of exposure to pollutants or dietary deficiencies for macro and microminerals.  Pollutants circulating in the blood, through ingestion or inhalation, are automatically captured by the weft of the fur when it grows and stays intact.  By analyzing fur, we can assess any prolonged exposures to potentially harmful minerals and metals, as well as identify any shortcomings the pet’s diet may have.

HTMA is most often indicative of slow, long-term (progressive) problems not acute or transient issues. For this reason, abnormal results aren’t typically viewed at critical emergencies, however further investigation, bloodwork, or diagnostics may be suggested. Learn more about the Mineral and Toxic Metal Fur Analysis by scrolling down.



Essential Vitamins Background:

Essential Vitamins 1 + Folate + Mg includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg)- three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Folate (Fol) which is produced endogenously through the gut bacteria.  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.  Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently.  Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D,  B12 and Magnesium.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

702 – Mineral & Toxic Metal Fur Analysis + VitD, B12, Folate, Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Mineral Analysis, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Fur Sample, Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Mineral Analysis, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Fur Sample, Serum (Frozen or Dry)

Requires a FUR SAMPLE from the patient along with a SERUM Sample.

Fur Collection Kit can be ordered through VDI for resell to pet parents for at-home collection.


Fur (hair) is the only matrix suitable for studying a long period of exposure to pollutants or dietary deficiencies for macro and microminerals.  Pollutants circulating in the blood, through ingestion or inhalation, are automatically captured by the weft of the fur when it grows and stays intact.  By analyzing fur, we can assess any prolonged exposures to potentially harmful minerals and metals, as well as identify any shortcomings the pet’s diet may have.

HTMA is most often indicative of slow, long-term (progressive) problems not acute or transient issues. For this reason, abnormal results aren’t typically viewed at critical emergencies, however further investigation, bloodwork, or diagnostics may be suggested. Learn more about the Mineral and Toxic Metal Fur Analysis by scrolling down.



Essential Wellness Background:

Essential Wellness 2 includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and Essential Vitamins 2 panel which includes: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folate (Fol) and  Magnesium (Mg).  Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity. Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors. Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Folate is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

703 – Mineral & Toxic Metal Fur Analysis +CRP/HPT, VitD, B12, Folate, Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected GI Disease, Microbiome Test, Fecal, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Microbiome Test
  • Specimen Type: Fecal
  • Fasting: Not Required

Requires Fecal Sample collected using the Microbiome Collection Kit.   Samples not submitted using Microbiome Collection Kit will be immediately rejected.

The microbiome is a vital part of the physiological health of animals. Its involvement in homeostasis, metabolism, immune activity, neurological behavoir and beyond, speaks to the importance of having a healthy gut. Understanding the state of the GI microbiome can help you manage your GI cases and provide better care to your patients with GI issues.  VDI has partnered with MiDog® to provide Next Generation DNA Sequencing for the GI microbiome in dogs and cats. This process generates a quantitative and complete picture of the microbial community, unlike traditional culture, PCR, or more limited microbiome tests.

Included with the GI Microbiome Panel is:

  • Complete bacteria & fungi quantification
  • List of potential clinically relevant species
  • Antibiotic resistance for relevant species
  • Total composition
  • Richness & evenness scores




The MiDOG® All-in-One Microbial Test is rooted in ultra-deep Next-Generation DNA sequencing technology. This process uses millions of DNA sequences derived from the microorganisms present in a sample to generate a quantitative and complete picture of the microbial community.

MiDOG® integrates proprietary bioinformatic algorithms with curated databases to extract meaningful data from sequencing results. These data are used to generate a comprehensive report, including infectious agents and antibiotic resistance identification, to help guide the diagnosis and treatment of infections.

740 – GI Microbiome Panel (Bacteria & Fungi)

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, 1 Well
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

753 – Allergy Panel⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin D (VitD), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

760 – Allergic Dermatitis Panel

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

761 – Allergy Panel + VitD, B12

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

762 – Allergy Panel + VitD, B12, Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), 3 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 3 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

763 – Allergy Panel + VitD, B12, Folate, Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen), Allergy Panel, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

764 – Allergy Panel + VitD, B12, Folate, Mg, tCa ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, Vitamin D (VitD), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

765 – Allergy Panel + VitD

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen), Allergy Panel, Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

766 – Allergy Panel + VitD, B12, Mg, tCa ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

767 – Allergic Dermatitis Panel + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Glyphosate, Urine, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Glyphosate
  • Specimen Type: Urine
  • Fasting: Not Required

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide on the planet. With a staggering 736 million pounds
being used annually globally, it's crucial to understand its impact on our health and take proactive
measures to mitigate its effects.

Requires:  3.0 - 5.0mL of urine.  Transported in a non-additive container with a leak-proof seal.

Clinical Applications:
1. Contributes to metabolic syndromes and obesity.
2. Significant Contributor to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
3. Bactericidal and seems to kill good microbiome leaving bad microbiome causing microbiome
4. Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, meaning damage to cells and DNA.
5. Increased oxidative stress, which can lead to inflammation, tissue damage and mutations to the
6. Disruption of the estrogen pathway, which can affect hormone balance and reproductive health.
7. Impairment of important cerebral functions, including memory and learning.
8. Correlation with some cancers, such as non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia.
9. Damage to certain organs in animals like liver, kidney, pancreas, etc.


Further information:

Studies have shown that 86% of people tested have detectable levels of glyphosate in their urine,
with levels skyrocketing by 3800% over the past two decades. Disturbingly, animals bear an even
heavier burden, with dogs found to have levels up to thirty times higher and cats up to sixteen times
higher than humans.

Glyphosate's harmful effects extend beyond its prevalence; it actively disrupts bacterial populations,
intensifies pathogens, and diminishes beneficial organisms. Moreover, its endocrine-disrupting activity
and cytotoxic nature harm multiple cell types. Research links glyphosate exposure to a myriad of health
concerns, such as fatty liver syndrome, infertility, and an increased risk of certain cancers, including
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, leukemias, hemangiosarcoma, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, microbiome
dysbiosis, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.

Glyphosate is primarily excreted through urine and feces, which means that by reducing or eliminating
dietary exposure, these levels can rapidly decline within days. Urine glyphosate levels reflect short-term
exposure(days-week) while hair and fur samples offer a longer-term(week-hair) perspective. Good
news is - by combining routinely testing with strategic diet and lifestyle changes, we offer a holistic
approach that guarantees a of glyphosate levels to near zero.

780u – Glyphosate Panel (Urine)

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Allergy Panel, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Microbiome Test, Vitamin D (VitD), 2 Wells
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Included Test(s): Allergy Panel, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Microbiome Test, Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells

Allergy Panel is a 125-test panel using serum for measurement of IgE antibody response to specific allergens.   Food and Environmental allergens are tested using a minimal amount of serum to help identify potential areas of concern for cats and dogs.   

NOTE: Requires 1 dedicated well if using dry serum test kits.  If running in combination with other VDI tests, please increase well count by 1. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. ADR pets with undiagnosed GI signs
  2. Chronic GI distress
  3. Scratchy, Itchy, Red, or inflamed Skin
  4. Chronic Ear Infections/ Head shaking
  5. Excessive Licking
  6. Hair loss
  7. Chronic Cough / Sneezing
  8. Runny Eyes
  9. Diarrhea or Vomiting with unknown source
  10. Or as part of general wellness screening



Although the word "Allergy" is colloquially used to describe any reaction to a foreign substance, it's not wholly accurate. A true allergy describes a reaction produced when the body meets a normally harmless substance, which has been “remembered" from a previous exposure and subsequently produces the "IgE" antibody.  In order for an allergy to develop, a pet must be exposed to the substance at least once before the allergy will manifest. The immune system learns to attack this particular substance for an unknown reason, at which point the immune response will go into hyperdrive to attack it - resulting in elevated IgE levels.


A sensitivity is a delayed immune reaction resulting in the production of "IgG" antibody to a foreign substance, typically food. Though they may cause some clinical signs this type of reaction is not an allergic reaction and does not carry the same seriousness as a true allergy.  IgG testing for sensitivity is readily available however it has not been correlated to clinical signs or disease, given that IgG response is the body's natural response to consuming any foreign substance and is expected. Additional IgG testing has been shown to produce several “positives” which may lead to over-restriction of the diet. Concerningly, patients with food intolerances acting on the results of IgG panels may see improvements because the large number of foods they must eliminate may remove the culprit from their diet by coincidence. However, over-restriction can have impacts as it may place a patient at risk of nutritional deficiencies.


An intolerance is the body's inability to breakdown certain foods due missing or reduced enzymes responsible for that metabolism. This can result in clinical signs and discomfort for the pet. An example of an intolerance would be lactose intolerance - the absence of the enzyme lactase to break down dairy products results in GI discomfort. Intolerances do not produce either IgE or IgG antibody responses.

790 – Allergic Dermatitis Panel & Infection Panel

Wellness Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) - two essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet.  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Learn more about VitD and B12 here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

101 – Essential Vitamins 1 ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

For a similar panel available on DRY SERUM, please see:  121 - Complete Wellness - NO CHEM12



Essential Vitamins 2 panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Magnesium (Mg) - three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet - and Total Calcium (tCa).  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

102 – Essential Vitamins 2 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12).   Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

103 – Essential Wellness ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + OA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12).  Additionally, screening for early signs of Degenerative Joint Diseases like Osteoarthritis (OA) is done using Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-pet disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more. 

Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of degenerative joint disease (OA, IVDD, DM, IMPA)
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of Joint Disease benefit from bi-annual testing of Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

104 – Essential Wellness + OA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + CRA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12).  Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

105 – Essential Wellness + CRA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Complete Wellness is a 21-parameter panel for the detection of occult disease and evaluation of essential nutrient levels.  Identifying and correcting essential vitamin deficiencies is an important step to ensuring the long-term health of the pet.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct low levels when they appear.  Complete Wellness also looks for systemic inflammation which healthy animals should not have,  early signs of cancer and degenerative joint disease, and provides guidance to the possible source of abnormal test results.  Be proactive not reactive with a single blood panel for overall wellness in dogs and cats.

Base Chemistry Profile includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP (dog) or HPT (cat), should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Pets at risk of degenerative joint diseases should be tested annually or bi-annually for best results.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the animal reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

109 – Complete Wellness ⭐ ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 + Mg panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), and Magnesium (Mg) - three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet.  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently.  Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

112 – Essential Vitamins 1 + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + CRA + Mg includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and three of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg). Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat). Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal. Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently.  Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.  

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the dog reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12 and Magnesium.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

113 – Essential Wellness + CRA + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + Mg includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and three of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg). Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the dog reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12 and Mg.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

114 – Essential Wellness + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

120 – Inflammation + B12 + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Complete Wellness - No Chem12 includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT), CRA, OA and Essential Vitamins 2 panel which includes: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folate (Fol) and  Magnesium (Mg). Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP.

Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In pets with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.  Folate is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

121 – Complete Wellness- NO CHEM12

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + Mg + Ca includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and three of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg). Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12 and Mg.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

122 – Essential Wellness + Mg + Ca ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + CRA + OA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and  Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) .  Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes. Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-pet disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the animal reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

VDI provides dosing guidelines for Oral Hyaluronic Acid in patients with elevated HA results.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

123 – Essential Wellness + CRA + OA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness  + OA + Mg includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and three of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD),  Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg).  Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-pet disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet. Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively    Learn more. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the dog reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

VDI provides dosing guidelines for Oral Hyaluronic Acid in patients with elevated HA results.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12 and Mg.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

124 – Essential Wellness + OA + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 + HA panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) - two essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) - a marker of degenerative joint disease.  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Learn more about VitD and B12 here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D and B12.

Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-dog disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

Dogs at risk of Joint Disease benefit from bi-annual testing of Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

126 – Essential Vitamins 1 + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 + Ca panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) - two essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Total Calcium (tCA).  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Learn more about VitD and B12 here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D and B12.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

127 – Essential Vitamins 1 + Ca ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 2 + Folate panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Magnesium (Mg) three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Folate (Fol) which is produced endogenously through the gut bacteria as well as Total Calcium (tCa).  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity. Cobalamin and Folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.  Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D,  B12 and Magnesium.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

133 – Essential Vitamins 2 + Folate ⭐ ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness 2 includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and Essential Vitamins 2 panel which includes: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folate (Fol) and  Magnesium (Mg).  Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity. Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors. Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Folate is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

134 – Essential Wellness 2

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 + Folate panel includes Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) - two essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Folate (Fol) which is produced endogenously through the gut bacteria.  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.  Learn more about VitD and B12 here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D and B12.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

135 – Essential Vitamins 1 + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + Folate includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and three of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD),  Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Folate (Fol). Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP/HPT.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP (dog) or HPT (cat), should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamins levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

137 – Essential Wellness + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness 2 + CRA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and Essential Vitamins 2 panel which includes: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folate (Fol) and  Magnesium (Mg). Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity. Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors. Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Folate is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12 and Mg.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

138 – Essential Wellness 2 + CRA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 + Mg + Chem12 includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), and Magnesium (Mg) - three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and a Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12).  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently.  Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.   Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

139 – Essential Vitamins 1 + Mg + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness 2 + OA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and Essential Vitamins 2 panel which includes: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12), Folate (Fol) and  Magnesium (Mg).  Apparently healthy animals should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin is chiefly response for DNA production as a critical cofactor.  Magnesium is a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes, and when low those reactions are less efficient.  Learn more.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium. Additionally, screening for early signs of Degenerative Joint Diseases like Osteoarthritis (OA) is done using Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-pet disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more. 

Folate is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

140 – Essential Wellness 2 + OA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Wellness + CRA + Folate includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and three of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD),  Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Folate (Fol) .  Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes. Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Cobalamin and Folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

141 – Essential Wellness + CRA + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Essential Vitamins 1 + Folate + Mg includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg)- three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Folate (Fol) which is produced endogenously through the gut bacteria.  Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.  Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently.  Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D,  B12 and Magnesium.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

143 – Essential Vitamins 1 + Folate + Mg

Cancer Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 201b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

201 – Cancer Panel – General ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 201b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel (LSA) is for the diagnosis and monitoring of Lymphoma in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for Lymphoma.   The Cancer Panel (LSA) utilizes a different algorithm to determine the Neoplasia Index for lymphoma-specific cancer diagnosis which improves sensitivity and specificity for this specific application. Additionally, VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Lymphoma
    • Involved lymph nodes
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel (LSA) should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

201b – Cancer Panel – Lymphoma

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 202b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

202 – Cancer Panel + VitD

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 203b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

203 – Cancer Panel + B12

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.   Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for Vitamin D and Vitamin B12.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

204 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is an increasingly common choice for treating degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.  Prior to administering SCT, patients should be free from cancer as giving stem cells to cancer is like adding fuel to the fire.  The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is designed to ensure the patient is cancer free prior to therapy and give the green light to proceed.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), and inflammatory marker CRP into the Neoplasia Index­, the Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is a rule-in/rule-out for cancer.

The inclusion of a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) test gives a baseline prior to treatment to see how joint status changes after therapy.  Vitamin D is a critical hormone for cellular differentiation. Ensuring patient is Vitamin D sufficient may impact the success of therapy.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients intending to have Stem Cell Therapy


The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

205 – Pre-SCT Panel

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Pericardial Fluid (Frozen or Dry), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Not Required
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Pericardial Fluid (Frozen or Dry), Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Not Required

The Canine Pericardial Effusion Panel uses TK1 from serum and TK1 from pericardial fluid to determine if the source of the effusion is due to cancer. Neoplastic causes of PCE, particularly hemangiosarcoma, impart a significantly worse prognosis than non-neoplastic etiologies. Ratio of TK1 serum to pericardial fluid is able to rule-out cancer effectively. Contact VDI for more information on the Pericardial Effusion Panel.

206 – Pericardial Effusion Panel

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 207b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency for Vitamin D & Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

207 – Cancer Panel + VitD + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 208b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

208 – Cancer Panel + VitD + Ca ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 209b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for Vitamin D & B12.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

209 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Ca ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 210b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for Vitamin D, B12, and Mg.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

210 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Serum (Frozen), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 211b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

211 – Cancer Panel + Ca ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 212b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

212 – Cancer Panel + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 213b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Basic Chem12 includes:  TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

213 – Cancer Panel + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 214b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Basic Chem12 includes:  TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

214 – Cancer Panel + VitD + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 215b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for B12 & Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

215 – Cancer Panel + B12 + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 216b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs/cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

216 – Cancer Panel + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 217b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins panel (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and total Calcium) is a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

217 – Cancer Panel + Essential Vitamins 2 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 218b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs/cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

218 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 219b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins D & Vitamin B12 are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D and B12.

Haptoglobin (HPT) is another acute phase protein in dogs that is a marker of systemic inflammation.  While CRP responds more rapidly to inflammatory stimuli, the alternate response curve of HPT may provide further insight to the dog's ability to manage the inflammatory disease.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

219 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + HPT

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 220b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

220 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 221b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Haptoglobin (HPT) is another acute phase protein in dogs that is a marker of systemic inflammation.  While CRP responds more rapidly to inflammatory stimuli, the alternate response curve of HPT may provide further insight to the dog's ability to manage the inflammatory disease.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

221 – Cancer Panel + VitD + HPT

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is an increasingly common choice for treating degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.  Prior to administering SCT, patients should be free from cancer as giving stem cells to cancer is like adding fuel to the fire.  The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is designed to ensure the patient is cancer free prior to therapy and give the green light to proceed.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), and inflammatory marker CRP into the Neoplasia Index­, the Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is a rule-in/rule-out for cancer.

The inclusion of a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) test gives a baseline prior to treatment to see how joint status changes after therapy.  Vitamin D is a critical hormone for cellular differentiation. Ensuring patient is Vitamin D sufficient may impact the success of therapy.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct B12 deficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients intending to have Stem Cell Therapy


The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

222 – Pre-SCT Panel + B12

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 223b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

223 – Cancer Panel + B12 + Ca ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 224b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs/cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

224 – Cancer Panel + VitD + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 225b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for Vitamin D & B12.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

225 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 226b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs/cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

226 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg + HA + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 227b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs/cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

227 – Cancer Panel + Essential Vitamins 2 + HA ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The GI Lymphoma Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the dog or cat with GI signs, suspected of Chronic Enteropathy.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent), and B12/Folate into the Neoplasia Index­, the Lymphoma Panel is a Rule-in for GI Lymphoma.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  B12 and Folate, when evaluated together, can provide insight into the location of GI distress.   Learn More.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected GI Lymphoma
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The GI Lymphoma Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

228 – GI Lymphoma Panel ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 229b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, & Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

229 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 230b- indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, & Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

230 – Cancer Panel + Essential Vitamins 2 + Folate ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 231b- indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, & Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

231 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg + HA +Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 232b- indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Folate) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D and B12.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

232 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as [233b] - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs or cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

233 – Cancer Panel + VitD + HA + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The GI Lymphoma Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the dog or cat with GI signs, suspected of Chronic Enteropathy.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent), and B12/Folate into the Neoplasia Index­, the Lymphoma Panel is a Rule-in for GI Lymphoma.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  B12 and Folate, when evaluated together, can provide insight into the location of GI distress.   Learn More.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both B12 and Vitamin D.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected GI Lymphoma
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

234 – GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD + Mg is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the dog or cat with GI signs, suspected of Chronic Enteropathy.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent), and B12/Folate into the Neoplasia Index­, the Lymphoma Panel is a Rule-in for GI Lymphoma.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  B12 and Folate, when evaluated together, can provide insight into the location of GI distress.   Learn More.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for B12, Vitamin D Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected GI Lymphoma
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The GI Lymphoma Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

235 – GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is an increasingly common choice for treating degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.  Prior to administering SCT, patients should be free from cancer as giving stem cells to cancer is like adding fuel to the fire.  The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is designed to ensure the patient is cancer free prior to therapy and give the green light to proceed.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), and inflammatory marker CRP into the Neoplasia Index­, the Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is a rule-in/rule-out for cancer.

The inclusion of a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) test gives a baseline prior to treatment to see how joint status changes after therapy.  Vitamin D is a critical hormone for cellular differentiation. Ensuring patient is Vitamin D sufficient may impact the success of therapy.

Vitamin B12 & Folate are essential vitamins that play a role in DNA & RNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct B12 deficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients intending to have Stem Cell Therapy


The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

236 – Pre-SCT Panel + B12 + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

*This panel may be listed as 237b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

The Essential Vitamins (Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, and Magnesium) are a valuable addition to managing the acutely ill animal, and low levels have all been associated with cancer.  Their role in inflammation, DNA synthesis, and innate immunity makes having sufficient levels important.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

237 – Cancer Panel + VitD + B12 + Mg + Chem12 + Folate ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 238b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The VDI Cancer Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the sick dog or cat.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) and inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent) into the Neoplasia Index­, the Cancer Panel is a Rule-in for neoplasia.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  Learn More.

Type-specific cancer panels may be available to improve diagnostic performance in those cases. (GI Lymphoma, Cancer Panel Lymphoma, Pre-Stem Cell Panel).

Folate is part of the Vitamin B complex that is involved in DNA & RNA synthesis.  Low folate levels have been associated with various cancers, especially GI related disease.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected Cancer
    • Identified mass
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The Cancer Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

238 – Cancer Panel + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 3 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 3 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

A 12-parameter blood panel for a complex problem

Patients presenting with gastrointestinal signs are often a challenging workup as the disease pathology can be multi-factorial. Diseases such as IBD, Pancreatitis, PLE, LSA, SIBO may exist concurrently.

Using VDI’s Diagnostic AI, diseases such as IBD, LSA, PLE, and Pancreatitis are identified not on a single test result but the SYNERGY of multiple parameters, providing a higher level of confidence.  VDI includes patient specific factors such as age, clinical signs, medication, and more to deliver a patient-centric profile.

By integrating multiple tests along with signalment, these relationships are exploited to provide the veterinarian ACTIONABLE data.  If deficiencies are noted in Vitamin D, B12, or Mg, VDI provides precise patient-specific supplement dosing to correct the problem.

260 – Advanced GI Panel (AGI-12) ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), Allergy Panel, ALP, ALT, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cortisol, Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 4 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), Allergy Panel, ALP, ALT, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cortisol, Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 4 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

A 16-parameter blood panel for a complex problem

Patients presenting with gastrointestinal signs are often a challenging workup as the disease pathology can be multi-factorial. Diseases such as IBD, Pancreatitis, PLE, LSA, SIBO, and Cholangitis may exist concurrently.   Additionally there can be underlying allergies causing the signs, or Addison's Disease could be the culprit.  This 16-parameter panel is designed as a comprehensive evaluation of the GI patient.

Using VDI’s Diagnostic AI, GI diseases are identified not on a single test result but the SYNERGY of multiple parameters, providing a higher level of confidence.  VDI includes patient specific factors such as age, clinical signs, medication, and more to deliver a patient-centric profile.

By integrating multiple tests along with signalment, these relationships are exploited to provide the veterinarian ACTIONABLE data.  If deficiencies are noted in Vitamin D, B12, or Mg, VDI provides precise patient-specific supplement dosing to correct the problem.

269 – Advanced GI Panel (AGI-16) ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required

*This panel may be listed as 306b - indicating that the Neoplasia Index is modified for specific use in Lymphoma to improve sensitivity and specificity for that application.  All other features remain the same.


The term “hypercalcemia of malignancy” is routinely used when calcium is elevated and PTH is below normal, and for good reason— this situation is often a result of malignant neoplasia, particularly lymphoma, anal sac adenocarcinoma, or multiple myeloma.  However, many other diseases can fall into this category such as granulomatous disease, hyperthyroidism, vitamin D intoxication, and Addison’s disease.

Cancer Panel + Calcemia Panel is a combination that determines if the cause of hypercalcemia is cancer.  Often times, this panel is performed in a serial way:

Step 1: Calcemia Panel to determine if the hypercalcemia falls into the hypercalcemia of malignancy range (High Ca, Low PTH).

Step 2: Cancer Panel to determine if cancer is present, and the possible source of elevated calcium.




306 – Cancer Panel + Calcemia Panel ❄

  • Filters: Equine, Acutely Ill, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Not Required
  • Species: Equine
  • Included Test(s): Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Not Required

Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) is a DNA proliferation marker that has been shown in a number of human and animal studies to be highly elevated in Lymphoma. High cellular turnover, especially in aggressive & poorly differentiated lymphoma, gives lymphoma a robust TK1 response that is readily picked up in blood serum. Measurement of TK1 activity can be a rule-in for lymphoma in the suspected horse.

908 – TK Equine

Acute Care Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is an increasingly common choice for treating degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.  Prior to administering SCT, patients should be free from cancer as giving stem cells to cancer is like adding fuel to the fire.  The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is designed to ensure the patient is cancer free prior to therapy and give the green light to proceed.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), and inflammatory marker CRP into the Neoplasia Index­, the Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is a rule-in/rule-out for cancer.

The inclusion of a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) test gives a baseline prior to treatment to see how joint status changes after therapy.  Vitamin D is a critical hormone for cellular differentiation. Ensuring patient is Vitamin D sufficient may impact the success of therapy.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients intending to have Stem Cell Therapy


The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

205 – Pre-SCT Panel

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is an increasingly common choice for treating degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.  Prior to administering SCT, patients should be free from cancer as giving stem cells to cancer is like adding fuel to the fire.  The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is designed to ensure the patient is cancer free prior to therapy and give the green light to proceed.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), and inflammatory marker CRP into the Neoplasia Index­, the Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is a rule-in/rule-out for cancer.

The inclusion of a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) test gives a baseline prior to treatment to see how joint status changes after therapy.  Vitamin D is a critical hormone for cellular differentiation. Ensuring patient is Vitamin D sufficient may impact the success of therapy.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct B12 deficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients intending to have Stem Cell Therapy


The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

222 – Pre-SCT Panel + B12

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Stem Cell Therapy (SCT) is an increasingly common choice for treating degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.  Prior to administering SCT, patients should be free from cancer as giving stem cells to cancer is like adding fuel to the fire.  The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is designed to ensure the patient is cancer free prior to therapy and give the green light to proceed.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), and inflammatory marker CRP into the Neoplasia Index­, the Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel is a rule-in/rule-out for cancer.

The inclusion of a Hyaluronic Acid (HA) test gives a baseline prior to treatment to see how joint status changes after therapy.  Vitamin D is a critical hormone for cellular differentiation. Ensuring patient is Vitamin D sufficient may impact the success of therapy.

Vitamin B12 & Folate are essential vitamins that play a role in DNA & RNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to correct B12 deficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients intending to have Stem Cell Therapy


The Pre-Stem Cell Therapy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

236 – Pre-SCT Panel + B12 + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a common, age-related breakdown of the joint.  Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most commonly diagnosed DJD in both human and veterinary medicine and affects 20% of dogs older than one year and a stunning 80% in dogs greater than 8 years.  Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of DJD and will increase and subsequently decrease with disease advancement.  Some DJD is inflammatory and may cause a rise in inflammatory marker CRP/HPT (e.g. IMPA).  In advanced DJD, deterioration of the joint capsule and increased mechanical damage will lead to increases in inflammatory marker CRP/HPT.

The Osteoarthritis Panel is designed to detect and monitor changes in the degenerative joint marker Hyaluronic Acid and inflammatory marker CRP/HPT before, during, and after therapy, to manage patients with osteoarthritis or other degenerative joint diseases.  Learn more. 

Clinical Applications:

  1. Patients suspected of OA, IVDD, IMPA, or other joint damage
  2. High Risk breeds that may be prone to early onset degenerative joint disease
  3. Patients with confirmed DJD undergoing therapy


The Osteoarthritis Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

301 – Osteoarthritis Panel

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Osteoarthritis Panel + VitD includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and Vitamin D.   Screening for early signs of Degenerative Joint Diseases like Osteoarthritis (OA) is done using Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-animal disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy dogs or cats
  3. Dogs or cats at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Dogs or cats at risk of degenerative joint disease (OA, IVDD, DM, IMPA)
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of Joint Disease benefit from bi-annual testing of Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.


302 – Osteoarthritis Panel + VitD

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required


VDI’s Calcemia Panel is a three biomarker panel for the determination of root-cause of abnormal calcium levels. Unlike other similar panels, VDI offers gold-standard test for PTH and Vitamin D, that are not currently available through other laboratories.  VDI graphs the results in a visual way that helps for quick result interpretation.

VDI utilizes the gold-standard in Parathyroid Hormone testing: PTH 1-84. Unlike intact PTH (iPTH), VDI measures the entire PTH sequence (84 amino acids) with no fragment interference that is common with intact PTH; particularly the 7-34 fragment which often accumulates in renal disease.

VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D when levels are insufficient.

303 – Calcemia Panel ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required


Vitamin D toxicity is a concern that often shows up in the news due to pet food recalls.  Patients who are exposed to high levels of Vitamin D, should evaluate if they are Vitamin D toxic by testing for Vitamin D levels, along with PTH and Calcium levels.  The Vitamin D Toxicity Panel is a quick, cost effective way to determine if the elevated Vitamin D levels have created toxicity.

Panel Includes: 25[OH]D, PTH 1-84, total Calcium

Clinical Applications:

  1. Dog or Cat with:
    • excessive Vitamin D supplementation
    • exposed to high levels of calcitriol (ie. rat poison)
    • potential expose from food that was recalled due to high vitamin D levels


304 – VitD Toxicity Panel ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Osteoarthritis Panel + VitD + Mg includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin D and Magnesium.   Screening for early signs of Degenerative Joint Diseases like Osteoarthritis (OA) is done using Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-animal disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy dogs and cats
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of degenerative joint disease (OA, IVDD, DM, IMPA)
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of Joint Disease benefit from bi-annual testing of Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and Magnesium.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.


308 – Osteoarthritis Panel + VitD + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Magnesium (Mg), Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required


VDI’s Calcemia Panel is a three biomarker panel for the determination of root-cause of abnormal calcium levels. Unlike other similar panels, VDI offers gold-standard test for PTH and Vitamin D, that are not currently available through other laboratories.  VDI graphs the results in a visual way that helps for quick result interpretation.

VDI utilizes the gold-standard in Parathyroid Hormone testing: PTH 1-84. Unlike intact PTH (iPTH), VDI measures the entire PTH sequence (84 amino acids) with no fragment interference that is common with intact PTH; particularly the 7-34 fragment which often accumulates in renal disease.

Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes in the body.  Normal magnesium levels ensure these process run efficiently and effectively.

VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D and Magnesium when levels are insufficient.

309 – Calcemia Panel + Mg ❄

GI Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


GI Vitamins Panels includes four of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12),  Folate (Fol) and Magnesium.  Vitamin D is one of the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management.  Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity.  Cobalamin and Folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.

Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently.  Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Gastrointestinal Disease
  3. Inflammatory Disease
  4. Cancer Patients
  5. General Wellness - preventative
  6. PLE Patients
  7. Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, HPT, should begin once the cat reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Evaluating essential vitamins levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12 and Magnesium.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

143 – GI Vitamins Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The GI Lymphoma Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the dog or cat with GI signs, suspected of Chronic Enteropathy.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent), and B12/Folate into the Neoplasia Index­, the Lymphoma Panel is a Rule-in for GI Lymphoma.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  B12 and Folate, when evaluated together, can provide insight into the location of GI distress.   Learn More.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected GI Lymphoma
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The GI Lymphoma Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

228 – GI Lymphoma Panel ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The GI Lymphoma Panel is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the dog or cat with GI signs, suspected of Chronic Enteropathy.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent), and B12/Folate into the Neoplasia Index­, the Lymphoma Panel is a Rule-in for GI Lymphoma.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  B12 and Folate, when evaluated together, can provide insight into the location of GI distress.   Learn More.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.  Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both B12 and Vitamin D.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected GI Lymphoma
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

234 – GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD + Mg is for the diagnosis and monitoring of cancer in the dog or cat with GI signs, suspected of Chronic Enteropathy.  Unifying a blood marker of abnormal cell proliferation, Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1), inflammatory marker CRP or HPT (species dependent), and B12/Folate into the Neoplasia Index­, the Lymphoma Panel is a Rule-in for GI Lymphoma.   VDI provides context-sensitive results interpretation and clinical review on all Cancer Panels.  B12 and Folate, when evaluated together, can provide insight into the location of GI distress.   Learn More.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  B12 deficiency can cause errors in that process which may cause TK1 to elevate.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal for B12, Vitamin D Magnesium.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Suspected GI Lymphoma
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging
  2. Confirmed Cancer
    • Monitor Therapy Efficacy
    • Monitor disease progression
    • Determine remission & identify early signs of relapse
    • Identify metastatic disease


The GI Lymphoma Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

Repeat testing (monitoring) is suggested at varying time windows depending on the patient status, diagnosis, and application.  Contact VDI for consultation on any case to determine the best repeat test window.

235 – GI Lymphoma Panel + VitD + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected GI Disease, A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


The Chronic Enteropathy (CE) Panel is used for the diagnosis of disease in the dog or cat with chronic GI signs.  Acute Phase Proteins CRP (dog) and HPT (cat) have been shown to be effective markers of CE.  Coupled with essential vitamins B12, Folate, and Vitamin D, along with Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, and the AG ratio, this panel can identify the presence of Chronic Enteropathies in the GI dog or cat.

VDI offers a range of additional tests that can help diagnose the CE with more confidence: GI Lymphoma Panel or the all-inclusive Advanced GI Panel.

Clinical Applications:

  1. Chronic GI cat or dog
    • GI Cat or Dog
    • ADR (Ain't Doing Right)
    • Suspicious signs/imaging


The Chronic Enteropathy Panel should be performed prior to administration of steroids, chemo, NSAIDs or other therapy whenever possible.  VDI can interpret results around the presence of therapy, but please be sure to indicate on the Test Requisition Form any medications at the time of draw.

250 – Chronic Enteropathy (CE) Panel

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 3 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 3 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

A 12-parameter blood panel for a complex problem

Patients presenting with gastrointestinal signs are often a challenging workup as the disease pathology can be multi-factorial. Diseases such as IBD, Pancreatitis, PLE, LSA, SIBO may exist concurrently.

Using VDI’s Diagnostic AI, diseases such as IBD, LSA, PLE, and Pancreatitis are identified not on a single test result but the SYNERGY of multiple parameters, providing a higher level of confidence.  VDI includes patient specific factors such as age, clinical signs, medication, and more to deliver a patient-centric profile.

By integrating multiple tests along with signalment, these relationships are exploited to provide the veterinarian ACTIONABLE data.  If deficiencies are noted in Vitamin D, B12, or Mg, VDI provides precise patient-specific supplement dosing to correct the problem.

260 – Advanced GI Panel (AGI-12) ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), Allergy Panel, ALP, ALT, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cortisol, Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 4 Wells, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): A/G Ratio (A/G), Albumin (Alb), Allergy Panel, ALP, ALT, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cortisol, Folate (Fol), Globulin (Glob), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Neoplasia Index (NI), Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Total Protein (TP), Vitamin B12 (B12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 4 Wells
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

A 16-parameter blood panel for a complex problem

Patients presenting with gastrointestinal signs are often a challenging workup as the disease pathology can be multi-factorial. Diseases such as IBD, Pancreatitis, PLE, LSA, SIBO, and Cholangitis may exist concurrently.   Additionally there can be underlying allergies causing the signs, or Addison's Disease could be the culprit.  This 16-parameter panel is designed as a comprehensive evaluation of the GI patient.

Using VDI’s Diagnostic AI, GI diseases are identified not on a single test result but the SYNERGY of multiple parameters, providing a higher level of confidence.  VDI includes patient specific factors such as age, clinical signs, medication, and more to deliver a patient-centric profile.

By integrating multiple tests along with signalment, these relationships are exploited to provide the veterinarian ACTIONABLE data.  If deficiencies are noted in Vitamin D, B12, or Mg, VDI provides precise patient-specific supplement dosing to correct the problem.

269 – Advanced GI Panel (AGI-16) ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected GI Disease, Microbiome Test, Fecal, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Microbiome Test
  • Specimen Type: Fecal
  • Fasting: Not Required

Requires Fecal Sample collected using the Microbiome Collection Kit.   Samples not submitted using Microbiome Collection Kit will be immediately rejected.

The microbiome is a vital part of the physiological health of animals. Its involvement in homeostasis, metabolism, immune activity, neurological behavoir and beyond, speaks to the importance of having a healthy gut. Understanding the state of the GI microbiome can help you manage your GI cases and provide better care to your patients with GI issues.  VDI has partnered with MiDog® to provide Next Generation DNA Sequencing for the GI microbiome in dogs and cats. This process generates a quantitative and complete picture of the microbial community, unlike traditional culture, PCR, or more limited microbiome tests.

Included with the GI Microbiome Panel is:

  • Complete bacteria & fungi quantification
  • List of potential clinically relevant species
  • Antibiotic resistance for relevant species
  • Total composition
  • Richness & evenness scores




The MiDOG® All-in-One Microbial Test is rooted in ultra-deep Next-Generation DNA sequencing technology. This process uses millions of DNA sequences derived from the microorganisms present in a sample to generate a quantitative and complete picture of the microbial community.

MiDOG® integrates proprietary bioinformatic algorithms with curated databases to extract meaningful data from sequencing results. These data are used to generate a comprehensive report, including infectious agents and antibiotic resistance identification, to help guide the diagnosis and treatment of infections.

740 – GI Microbiome Panel (Bacteria & Fungi)

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Microbiome Test, Vitamin B12 (B12), Fecal, Serum (Frozen or Dry), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Microbiome Test, Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Fecal, Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Requires Fecal Sample collected using the Microbiome Collection Kit.   Samples not submitted using Microbiome Collection Kit will be immediately rejected.
Requires a serum sample submitted as frozen serum or using a VDI Dry Serum Test Kit for the B12/Folate Test.

The microbiome is a vital part of the physiological health of animals. Its involvement in homeostasis, metabolism, immune activity, neurological behavior and beyond, speaks to the importance of having a healthy gut. Understanding the state of the GI microbiome can help you manage your GI cases and provide better care to your patients with GI issues.  VDI has partnered with MiDog® to provide Next Generation DNA Sequencing for the GI microbiome in dogs and cats. This process generates a quantitative and complete picture of the microbial community, unlike traditional culture, PCR, or more limited microbiome tests.

Included with the GI Microbiome Panel is:

  • Complete bacteria & fungi quantification
  • List of potential clinically relevant species
  • Antibiotic resistance for relevant species
  • Total composition
  • Richness & evenness scores




The MiDOG® All-in-One Microbial Test is rooted in ultra-deep Next-Generation DNA sequencing technology. This process uses millions of DNA sequences derived from the microorganisms present in a sample to generate a quantitative and complete picture of the microbial community.

MiDOG® integrates proprietary bioinformatic algorithms with curated databases to extract meaningful data from sequencing results. These data are used to generate a comprehensive report, including infectious agents and antibiotic resistance identification, to help guide the diagnosis and treatment of infections.

741 – GI Microbiome Panel + B12/Folate

Individual Tests

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Mineral Analysis, Fur Sample
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Mineral Analysis
  • Specimen Type: Fur Sample

Requires a FUR SAMPLE from the patient.

Fur Collection Kit can be ordered through VDI for resell to pet parents for at-home collection.


Fur (hair) is the only matrix suitable for studying a long period of exposure to pollutants or dietary deficiencies for macro and microminerals.  Pollutants circulating in the blood, through ingestion or inhalation, are automatically captured by the weft of the fur when it grows and stays intact.  By analyzing fur, we can assess any prolonged exposures to potentially harmful minerals and metals, as well as identify any shortcomings the pet’s diet may have.

HTMA is most often indicative of slow, long-term (progressive) problems not acute or transient issues. For this reason, abnormal results aren’t typically viewed at critical emergencies, however further investigation, bloodwork, or diagnostics may be suggested. Learn more about the Mineral and Toxic Metal Fur Analysis by scrolling down.


701 – Mineral & Toxic Metal Fur Analysis ⭐

  • Filters: Canine, Equine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Equine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

901 – Vitamin D

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

902 – B12

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Magnesium (Mg), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

903 – Magnesium

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Total Calcium (tCa), Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Total Calcium (tCa)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required

904 – Total Calcium ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Apparently healthy dogs should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking dog using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP.

905 – CRP

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Haptoglobin (HPT), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Haptoglobin (HPT)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Apparently healthy cats should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking cat using the single most effective test for overall health: HPT.

906 – HPT

  • Filters: Equine, Acutely Ill, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Not Required
  • Species: Equine
  • Included Test(s): Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Not Required

Thymidine Kinase Type 1 (TK1) is a DNA proliferation marker that has been shown in a number of human and animal studies to be highly elevated in Lymphoma. High cellular turnover, especially in aggressive & poorly differentiated lymphoma, gives lymphoma a robust TK1 response that is readily picked up in blood serum. Measurement of TK1 activity can be a rule-in for lymphoma in the suspected horse.

908 – TK Equine

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Hyaluronic Acid (HA)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  In dogs and cats with moderate to advanced DJD, mechanical damage to the joints especially after higher-than-usual activity, may increase TK1 levels slightly due to cellular death at the site of damage.

909 – HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Serum (Frozen), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

912 – Chem 12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Standalone Test, Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

VDI utilizes the gold-standard in Parathyroid Hormone testing: PTH 1-84. Unlike intact PTH (iPTH), VDI measures the entire PTH sequence (84 amino acids) with no fragment interference that is common with intact PTH; particularly the 7-34 fragment which often accumulates in renal disease.  The assay is a sandwich chemiluminescent immunoassay that is run on a fully automated analyzer, validated for use in dogs, cats, and horses with serum.

913 – PTH

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected Cancer, Suspected GI Disease, Folate (Fol), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Folate, an essential vitamin that is produced endogenously through the bacteria in the gut, is an important cofactor in RNA synthesis.  Changes in folate levels can indicate changes in gut flora or the presence of disease in the small intestine.

914 – Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL), Serum (Frozen or Dry), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Pancreatic Lipase (cPL/fPL)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Fasting: Not Required

915 – cPL/fPL

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Cortisol, Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Cortisol
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Cortisol is a hormone made by the adrenal glands which has various functions in the body ranging from fighting infections to regulating blood sugar and metabolism and maintaining blood pressure. Testing cortisol levels is an evaluation of adrenal function where high and low levels may indicate the presence of certain diseases such as Addison's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, or the presence of a tumor.

Cortisol can be tested alone or as part of adrenal gland function tests such as:

917- DEX Suppression Test - low dose
918- DEX Suppression Test - high dose
919- ACTH Stimulation Test

916 – Cortisol

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Cortisol, Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Cortisol
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required

Includes 3 serum cortisol tests.  Price listed is PER CORTISOL TEST.

• DEX Suppression test requires the submission of three serum samples:  1 collected prior to stimulation "Basal", and 1 collected at 4 hours "4hr" and the third sample collected at 8hours "8hr."   Sample tubes should be properly labelled.
• Samples should be stored frozen until time to ship.

Cortisol is a hormone made by the adrenal glands which has various functions in the body ranging from fighting infections to regulating blood sugar and metabolism and maintaining blood pressure. Testing cortisol levels is an evaluation of adrenal function where high and low levels may indicate the presence of certain diseases such as Addison's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, or the presence of a tumor.

Cortisol can be tested alone or as part of adrenal gland function tests such as:

917- DEX Suppression Test - low dose
918- DEX Suppression Test - high dose
919- ACTH Stimulation Test

917 – DEX Suppression Test – LOW DOSE ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Cortisol, Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Cortisol
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required

Includes 3 serum cortisol tests.  Price listed is PER CORTISOL TEST.

• DEX Suppression test requires the submission of three serum samples:  1 collected prior to stimulation "Basal", and 1 collected at 4 hours "4hr" and the third sample collected at 8hours "8hr."   Sample tubes should be properly labelled.
• Samples should be stored frozen until time to ship.

Cortisol is a hormone made by the adrenal glands which has various functions in the body ranging from fighting infections to regulating blood sugar and metabolism and maintaining blood pressure. Testing cortisol levels is an evaluation of adrenal function where high and low levels may indicate the presence of certain diseases such as Addison's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, or the presence of a tumor.

Cortisol can be tested alone or as part of adrenal gland function tests such as:

917- DEX Suppression Test - low dose
918- DEX Suppression Test - high dose
919- ACTH Stimulation Test

918 – DEX Suppression Test – HIGH DOSE ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Cortisol, Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, 3 Wells, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Cortisol
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells, 3 Wells
  • Fasting: Not Required

Includes 2 or 3 serum cortisol tests. Price listed is PER CORTISOL TEST.

• ACTH Stimulation test requires the submission of two serum samples:  1 collected prior to stimulation "Basal", and 1 collected 1 hour after ACTH stimulation "Post 1hr".  A third sample can be collected as "Post 2hrs" if needed.
• Samples should be stored cold until time to apply to the Dry Serum Kit or frozen immediately if being sent as a frozen serum sample.
• For Dry Serum submissions, be sure to properly apply the Basal sample to well A, and Post 1hr sample to well B.  If a Post 2hr sample is collected, then apply to a second DSTK device.

Cortisol is a hormone made by the adrenal glands which has various functions in the body ranging from fighting infections to regulating blood sugar and metabolism and maintaining blood pressure. Testing cortisol levels is an evaluation of adrenal function where high and low levels may indicate the presence of certain diseases such as Addison's Disease, Cushing's Syndrome, or the presence of a tumor.

Cortisol can be tested alone or as part of adrenal gland function tests such as:

917- DEX Suppression Test - low dose
918- DEX Suppression Test - high dose
919- ACTH Stimulation Test

919 – ACTH Stimulation Test

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Standalone Test, Suspected GI Disease, Insulin, Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Insulin
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Fasted Insulin Test for the determination of insulin levels in cats or dogs.  Also included in the Insulin Resistance Panel.

921 – Insulin ❄

Miscellaneous Panels

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


INCaSe panels include an Inflammation Assessment, Cancer Risk Assessment and Vitamin D test.  The name INCaSe has been retired, however the elements are still available for ordering.  The most similar panel is the 105 - Essential Wellness + CRA:

Essential Wellness + CRA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12).  Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

001 – INCaSe

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

011 – VitD + Inflammation

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Not Required

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency

012 – VitD + Calcium (total) ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

013 – VitD + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

014 – B12 + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

015 – VitD + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.


Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

016 – Inflammation + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

017 – Inflammation + B12

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr


Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

018 – VitD + Inflammation + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


INCaSe panels include an Inflammation Assessment, Cancer Risk Assessment and Vitamin D test.  The name INCaSe has been retired, however the elements are still available for ordering.  The most similar panel is the 105 - Essential Wellness + CRA:

Essential Wellness + CRA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12).  Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA).  CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months.  Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Additionally, screening for early signs of Degenerative Joint Diseases like Osteoarthritis (OA) is done using Hyaluronic Acid (HA).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-pet disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets  at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP or HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage.  Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA.  For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet.  Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12.  Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.

019 – INCaSe + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

020 – Inflammation + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

021 – VitD + Inflammation + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

022 – VitD + Mg + Ca

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency

023 – Mg + Ca

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-animal disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more.

024 – B12 + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Magnesium (Mg), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Magnesium (Mg)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

025 – Mg + Chem12 ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-animal disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

026 – VitD + Inflammation + Mg + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

027 – B12 + Mg + Ca

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Magnesium (Mg)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-animal disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

028 – HA + Mg

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Folate (Fol), Vitamin B12 (B12), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Vitamin B12 (B12)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors.

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in DNA synthesis.  As an essential vitamin it’s only obtained through the pet’s diet.  Low B12 values can indicate diet deficiency or the presence of disease that inhibits absorption. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to normal.

029 – B12 + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Folate (Fol), Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 2 Wells, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Parathyroid Hormone 1-84 (PTH)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 2 Wells
  • Fasting: Not Required

030 – PTH + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a marker of degenerative joint disease (DJD).  Joint Disease is typically viewed as an old-animal disease, however the degeneration of joints can start early in life and not present clinically until later.  Using HA to detect when that degeneration begins, allows earlier intervention and more options to slow or stop the progression of joint disease.   Learn more.

031 – VitD + HA

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Folate (Fol), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency. Acute Phase Proteins (APP) are the best indicators of inflammation in the body. The major APPs (CRP in dogs, HPT in cats) are made when an inflammatory stimulus is present, and disappear when it’s resolved. Quick to appear and disappear, CRP & HPT should be normal in the healthy animal.  When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic.  Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer.  Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking animal using C-reactive Protein (CRP) in dogs, or Haptoglobin (HPT) in cats.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Folate, an essential vitamin that is produced endogenously through the bacteria in the gut, is an important cofactor in RNA synthesis.  Changes in folate levels can indicate changes in gut flora or the presence of disease in the small intestine.

Clinical Applications:

CRP and HPT are also useful in pre-operative test panels and therapeutic monitoring.


Dogs & Cats on steroids or NSAIDs will have suppressed CRP or HPT, unless the medication is no longer having an effect on the disease process. Whenever possible, collect sample before the administration of anti-inflammatory medications.

032 – VitD + Inflammation + Mg + Folate

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen), Recommended: 8hr
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Basic Chemistry Profile (Chem12), Magnesium (Mg), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen)
  • Fasting: Recommended: 8hr

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Basic Chem12 includes: TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium.

033 – VitD + Mg + Chem ❄

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Acutely Ill, Apparently Healthy, Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): Folate (Fol), Magnesium (Mg), Total Calcium (tCa), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required

Vitamin D is the most important hormone in the body and sufficient levels are anti-proliferative, pro-differentiating, and anti-inflammatory: all involved in cancer pathogenesis.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Folate, an essential vitamin that is produced endogenously through the bacteria in the gut, is an important cofactor in RNA synthesis.  Changes in folate levels can indicate changes in gut flora or the presence of disease in the small intestine.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

034 – VitD + Folate + Mg + Ca

  • Filters: Canine, Feline, Apparently Healthy, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD), Serum (Frozen or Dry), 1 Well, Not Required
  • Species: Canine, Feline
  • Included Test(s): C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA), Haptoglobin (HPT), Magnesium (Mg), Thymidine Kinase type 1 (TK1), Vitamin D (VitD)
  • Specimen Type: Serum (Frozen or Dry)
  • Dry Serum Minimum Volume: 1 Well
  • Fasting: Not Required


INCaSe panels include an Inflammation Assessment, Cancer Risk Assessment and Vitamin D test. The name INCaSe has been retired, however the elements are still available for ordering. The most similar panel is the 105 - Essential Wellness + CRA:

Essential Wellness + CRA includes an inflammation assessment with C-Reactive Protein (CRP) or Haptoglobin (HPT) and two of the most important essential vitamins: Vitamin D (25OHD) and Cobalamin (Vitamin B12). Additionally, screening for early signs of cancer is done using TK1 providing the Cancer Risk Assessment (CRA). CRA is a way to see the risk of a major cancer event in the coming 4-6 months. Early detection leads to early intervention, more options, and better outcomes.

Apparently healthy pets should not have systemic inflammation. When present, source of inflammation should be identified and resolved if possible before it becomes chronic. Chronic inflammation leads to the development of serious diseases including cancer. Detect occult disease in the otherwise healthy looking pet using the single most effective test for overall health: CRP (dog) or HPT (cat).

Magnesium is an essential nutrient involved in numerous biological pathways, acting as a cofactor to ensure they run efficiently and effectively.  VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines to get patients to sufficiency.

Clinical Applications:

  1. General Wellness (annual or biannual screening)
  2. Apparently Healthy pets
  3. Pets at high risk of inflammatory diseases
  4. Pets at risk of cancer
  5. Pet Parents wanting to be proactive in detecting & managing disease


Health screening using a sensitive inflammatory marker, CRP/HPT, should begin once the pet reaches an adult stage. Annual testing while apparently healthy is the minimum recommended interval with bi-annual screening being the most effective way to detect the presence of occult disease.

Pets at risk of cancer benefit from bi-annual testing of CRA. For best results, CRA should be performed every 4 months.

Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet. Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for both Vitamin D and B12. Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.


125 – INCaSe + Mg