919 – ACTH Stimulation Test
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Includes 2 or 3 serum cortisol tests. Price listed is PER CORTISOL TEST.
• ACTH Stimulation test requires the submission of two serum samples: 1 collected prior to stimulation “Basal”, and 1 collected 1 hour after ACTH stimulation “Post 1hr”. A third sample can be collected as “Post 2hrs” if needed.
• Samples should be stored cold until time to apply to the Dry Serum Kit or frozen immediately if being sent as a frozen serum sample.
• For Dry Serum submissions, be sure to properly apply the Basal sample to well A, and Post 1hr sample to well B. If a Post 2hr sample is collected, then apply to a second DSTK device.
Cortisol is a hormone made by the adrenal glands which has various functions in the body ranging from fighting infections to regulating blood sugar and metabolism and maintaining blood pressure. Testing cortisol levels is an evaluation of adrenal function where high and low levels may indicate the presence of certain diseases such as Addison’s Disease, Cushing’s Syndrome, or the presence of a tumor.
Cortisol can be tested alone or as part of adrenal gland function tests such as:
917- DEX Suppression Test – low dose
918- DEX Suppression Test – high dose
919- ACTH Stimulation Test