Intelligent Diagnostics
The use of laboratory diagnostics is vital in the workup of patients, both apparently healthy and acutely ill. The combinations of positive/ negative test results linked to a particular disease are numerous and requires veterinarians to remember these combinations even for diseases not frequently seen. To provide further diagnostic assistance, VDI is now using hundreds of peer-reviewed clinical research articles and the aid of computer algorithms to help decode these diseases.
Intelligence in Screening
One of the biggest concerns with abnormal results on an otherwise healthy patient is: What to do? Where to look, how invasive, how serious? Using the differential list of possible sources of inflammation – direct your focus on the diseases that are most likely (based on clinical research and big data) to make decisions relevant to the case.
Unlocking the Code
The combinations of normal and abnormal results from lab tests creates a digital and visual code. This code can be seen on the differential list provided by VDI. As the code changes, the lists of diseases alters: sorting, eliminating, and ranking probable diseases. The more parameters input, the more focused the list becomes.
Intelligent Reports with VDI
VDI uses intelligent diagnostics to help guide in the workup of abnormal test results. When screening tests are outside of reference intervals VDI Intelligent Diagnostics points you in the right direction. Intelligent reports come with all VDI Wellness Panels – helping you with some of the most challenging cases.
Intelligence in Diagnostics
Laboratory test results are simply numbers on a page. Lacking context, they have no meaning. Traditionally, laboratories leave all the contextual interpretation to the veterinarian, but how can we expect the veterinarian to remember everything they need to AND diagnostic intricacies and combinations? VDI helps to ease this process by offering context-sensitive result interpretation.
We ask for context
Have you seen the VDI Test Requisition Form (TRF)? We ask a number of questions regarding the status and background of the pet. We use them! These are input into our system to help generate the context-sensitive reports. Furthermore, during contextual review, they are referenced for additional reviewer comments.
To provide context-sensitive interpretations
In this example of the GI Lymphoma Panel, the results interpretation of both the Neoplasia Index®, as well as the individual tests TK1 and HPT, are interpreted with the information that the patient was on corticosteroids.