Testing with VDI
► No formal or competing contracts
Just follow an option below to begin using our services. We look forward to working with you and your patients. For pet parents, have your vet’s office contact VDI to get started.
► No minimums
► No upfront payments
Setting Up An Account:
Option 1: Register for an account
Setting up an account can be done by registering for an account with VDI. Simply fill out the form at the link below, and once approved, you’ll have access to the VDI shop to order test kits, see pricing, order product, and start submitting samples.
VDI only approves accounts for Veterinary hospitals/practices. Please contact VDI with any questions regarding setting up an account.
- Register here: NEW CLIENT SIGNUP
- Upon confirmation you will receive login instructions to access your account
- Order test kits, products, literature, and view lab reports all from your account page.
phone: 805-577-6742 email: [email protected]
Option 2: Send a Frozen Sample
Setting up an account can be done by sending a sample directly to VDI without using our kits.
- Contact VDI to get a Test Requisition Form, or download here
- Collect a 1.0 – 1.5 mL serum sample in a non-additive (plain) tube, and freeze
- Ship the sample in a Styrofoam box with a tight-fitting lid (must be Styrofoam box)
- Include 2 frozen freezer packs along with the frozen sample
- Sample must be shipped overnight, M-Th, to the address on the requisition form (Do not ship on Fridays). VDI can provide an overnight shipping label at a discounted rate. Contact VDI at 805-577-6742 to get a label.
Once a sample is received and tested, your account is established, and additional information about online account access will be emailed.
Just looking for pricing or have quick questions?
*pricing only available to veterinarians/hospitals.
email: [email protected] | call: 805-577-6742
Getting Results:
Results Via Email
VDI sends all lab results via email to the email address on the account. These results will come as an attached PDF file which can be viewed, downloaded or printed.
Results Via Portal
VDI also uploads all lab reports to your online account, which is established upon first test submission. Once logged into your account you can find all reports submitted by the clinic. Report PDFs can be viewed, downloaded, printed, and archived from the portal.
Payments and Billing:
VDI does all billing in arrears, typically the week following the order or submission. Our finance department is open M-F from 9:30am – 5:30pm PST. Please call VDI at 805-577-6742 with any questions.
Payment via Credit Card
VDI takes credit card payments from most major cards. Many clients choose to have a card on file with VDI which is charged weekly for any tests performed or supplies ordered the previous week. Others may wish to pay each invoice via the PAY NOW button found on the e-invoice sent via email. Payment via phone is also available.
Payment via Check
Checks are accepted and can be sent once the invoice or statement has been received. We ask that checks not be sent with the sample submission in the event of lost samples, rejected samples, or incorrect check-vs-due amounts.