VDI Partners
VDI partners with synergistic companies to provide the best Test & Treat services available to veterinarians.
Choosing Partners
VDI works closely with a number of partners who integrate into the test & treat model. The products, services, and brands work synergistically with VDI testing to offer veterinarians the best in integrated solutions. This solution makes diagnosing and managing patients faster and simpler than ever before – taking much of the “what now” out of the equation. See our partners below.
VDI also works with distributors and other laboratories to make our testing available in other regions of the world. Our technology allows worldwide testing.
Become a VDI Partner
Do you have a product or service that would mesh well with VDI services? We’d love to discuss it with you. VDI is always looking for additional partners where both companies, and the veterinarians we serve, will benefit.