Working with VDI

Scroll down to learn how to work with VDI in the care of your pet.

Specialty Testing | Curated Products | Complete Solutions

Thank you for choosing VDI Laboratory as a partner in the care of your pet. Our specialty lab services and curated product selection, are intended to help you and your veterinarian make the best healthcare decisions for your pet. Please take a moment to learn how the process works:

Step 1: Select & Order a Test Kit

  1. Identify which test kit is best suited for your specific pet’s needs.
  2. Order the kit through the website.
  3. Once you receive the kit, REGISTER YOUR KIT.
  4. Read the instructions & collect samples accordingly.
  5. Depending on the test kit, a blood draw may be required through the veterinarian. Contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment for a Serum Blood Draw.
  6. Follow all instructions and submit the sample back to the lab. Be sure to retain any tracking information.
  7. Results will be emailed to you, and your veterinarian if requested, once testing is completed.

Step 2: Discuss results with your veterinarian

Once you have the results back, discuss them with your veterinarian or other healthcare professional before taking any actions. Although VDI does not provide consultations to the pet parent, we’re more than happy to discuss the results with your veterinarian.

Please note: The comments, recommendations, and products provided in the VDI lab report are intended to support and inform the medical plan of the attending or consulting veterinarian and should not be considered as medical directives from VDI Laboratory.

Step 3: Order Relevant Products

After discussing the results with your veterinarian, if there are any products recommended for your pet that they feel are important to the medical plan, they can be purchased through VDI Laboratory (some products can only be ordered by your veterinarian).