702 – Mineral & Toxic Metal Fur Analysis + VitD, B12, Folate, Mg
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Requires a FUR SAMPLE from the patient as well as a SERUM SAMPLE.
Fur Collection Kit can be ordered through VDI for resell to pet parents for at-home collection.
Fur (hair) is the only matrix suitable for studying a long period of exposure to pollutants or dietary deficiencies for macro and microminerals. Pollutants circulating in the blood, through ingestion or inhalation, are automatically captured by the weft of the fur when it grows and stays intact. By analyzing fur, we can assess any prolonged exposures to potentially harmful minerals and metals, as well as identify any shortcomings the pet’s diet may have.
HTMA is most often indicative of slow, long-term (progressive) problems not acute or transient issues. For this reason, abnormal results aren’t typically viewed at critical emergencies, however further investigation, bloodwork, or diagnostics may be suggested. Learn more about the Mineral and Toxic Metal Fur Analysis by scrolling down.
Essential Vitamins Background:
Essential Vitamins 1 + Folate + Mg includes Vitamin D (25OHD), Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) and Magnesium (Mg)- three essential nutrients that are only obtained through diet, and Folate (Fol) which is produced endogenously through the gut bacteria. Vitamin D, the most important hormone in the body, is responsible for supporting the innate immune system and has a role in disease prevention and management. Sufficient levels are anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and pro-immunity. Cobalamin and folate are chiefly response for DNA/RNA production as critical cofactors. Magnesium is a critical cofactor in hundreds of processes ensuring they run effectively and efficiently. Learn more about VitD, B12, and Mg here.   VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium.
Clinical Applications:
- Diet Changes
- Gastrointestinal Disease
- Inflammatory Disease
- Cancer Patients
- General Wellness – preventative
- PLE Patients
- Patients on NSAIDs or Corticosteroids
Evaluating essential vitamin levels should start once the dog or cat reaches adult stages and establishes their adult diet. Once diet has been stable for 3 months, test baseline vitamins and correct any insufficiencies with supplementation, or consider a diet change if values are considerably low. VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines for Vitamin D, B12 and Magnesium. Recheck intervals are every year once sufficient unless diet or health changes occur.