End the Guessing:
Get Better GI Disease Workups
VDI has the most comprehensive diagnostic solutions for GI Disease in cats and dogs.
The GI Patient: A Complex Problem
Patients presenting with gastrointestinal signs can be a challenging workup and often care ends with simply trying to manage the clinical signs. This approach leaves patients on long-term medications like steroids, with undiagnosed or improperly diagnosed conditions, and patients that continue to suffer.
VDI Laboratory has taken on the challenge of understanding GI disease in pets and providing the most comprehensive approach to finding solutions and resolution in patients suffering from GI signs.
The Long Approach
Traditionally, the approach to resolving chronic GI disease takes multiple weeks and months. It is usually some combination of multiple steps, which can add up to a lot of time and expense for the client.
1 – Empirically treat, wait for outcome.
2 – Run CBC/Chemistries (often unremarkable)
3 – Perform Ultrasound (if client is willing)
4 – Adjust medications as needed and wait for outcome
5 – Consider additional blood work, or encourage histopathology (if patient is able to & client is willing)
6 – Make a final diagnosis, or continue with presumptive diagnosis
7 – Create the treatment plan based on findings
8 – Repeat the above if/when GI signs return

The VDI Solution
VDI Laboratory has built a three-part approach which can all be done in one step through one laboratory to get you to answers quickly. Combining specialty diagnostic testing, contextual interpretation, and tailored product selection, our solution to GI Disease cases will give you confidence in your workup.
Step 1a: Diagnose the problem
The first step to resolving these complex cases is to diagnose the problem. We have assembled the most comprehensive single panel for GI workup to get you the answers you need fast.
Advanced GI Panel
The Advanced GI Panel is designed to detect multiple disease simultaneously from a single blood draw. Minimum sample volume gives you immense amount of data, including a GI Lymphoma differential, which is all interpreted with patient context to provide detailed insight into patient status.

Step 1b: Identify underlying or secondary conditions
Chronic conditions, like GI disease, are increasingly the reason for visits to the veterinarian. One of the biggest drawbacks to conventional medicine is not looking at the underlying contributors and secondary results of these chronic conditions.
As part of the VDI portfolio, we have assembled a range of tests and recommended products intended to help understand these intricacies and put a real stop to the underlying causes of illness.
Click on any of the panels to learn more.

Step 1c: Patient-specific product & treatment recommendations
The single biggest shortcoming of routine reference laboratories is the lack of guidance on what the results mean in context to the patient, and then what to do next. VDI Laboratory raises the standard for diagnostic laboratories by providing patient-specific interpretation & product recommendations in what we call “Test & Treat.” We don’t simply provide numbers on a page and leave the veterinarian to figure out what it means – we are a true partner in your case management.
Patient-Centric Interpretation
All VDI results are interpreted based on patient context, provided by the clinic. This allows for the best possible interpretation of the results while freeing time for the medical team. Instead of finding a bunch of decision trees and following the complex paths, just provide the context and VDI will guide you in the right direction.

Curated Product Recommendation
VDI identifies synergistic partners, who develop and manufacture quality products, to pair with our test results -giving you a focused list of appropriate products for the patient based on clinical signs and test results. These products have demonstrated effectiveness for the application, and patient specific dosing guidelines are provided.

Action Plans for Next Steps
VDI will also provide clear guidance for additional testing and next steps where appropriate. Guidance may include:
- Retest window for patient monitoring
- Recommended other tests for concurrent disease
- Recommendations for when it’s NOT a GI disease
- Consultations: VDI offers free consultations to veterinarians at any stage along the case workup. Just ask!

Why partner with VDI on GI workups?
VDI Lab is more than a standard laboratory – we’re a partner in your patient workups. Time and money are both important factors in GI case management, and VDI is by far the greatest value for both. Industry leading testing, combined with expert interpretation that provides patient-specific clarity leads to quick diagnosis and less frustration for you and the client.

Industry Leading Test Portfolio
Get more information, from less sample, in fewer steps. Start with VDI to get better answers faster.

Patient-Specific Interpretation
VDI carries the burden of deciphering the case and providing detailed report interpretation specific to the individual pet.

Action Plans
Patient context plus lab results plus curated products equals a roadmap to success. Get actionable information from VDI lab services- not just numbers.

Veterinary Consultations
Veterinarians can contact us any time to discuss prospective cases, lab results, or next steps. Email, call, or schedule a video meeting to discuss cases.

Excellent Customer Service
We strive to provide excellent customer service. Whether you call or email, we’re here to help.

Unending Improvement
VDI is continually improving our portfolio – ensuring we stay at the forefront of medicine to help provide the solutions your clients expect.