98% of pet owners say their pet is an important part of their family. As such, we go to lengths to make sure they lead a long healthy, happy life. From playtime and adventures, to good food & medications; caring for our fur babies is a priority. For those who want to make sure they’re doing everything they can for the health and wellness of their dog, comes the Canine Complete Wellness panel by VDI.
What is Complete Wellness
Canine Complete Wellness is a 21-parameter blood test meant for early detection of occult disease & evaluation of essential vitamin levels.

What’s Included:
- General Wellness
- Inflammation Assessment (high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein)
- Base Chemistry Profile
- (TP, Alb, Glob, A/G ratio, BUN, Creatinine, BUN/Creatinine, ALT, ALP, Total Bili, Glucose, Calcium)
- Essential Vitamins
- Vitamin D (w/ dosing)
- Vitamin B12 (w/ dosing)
- Folate
- Magnesium (w/ dosing)
- Calcium
- Specialty Tests
- Cancer Risk Assessment (Thymidine Kinase type 1)
- Osteoarthritis Assessment (Hyaluronic Acid)
Added Value
Dosing Guidelines
For Vitamin D, B12, and Magnesium, VDI provides patient-specific dosing guidelines whenever values are insufficient. This helps give direction for correcting these vitamin levels and get the dog the nutrients they truly need. This is part of the VDI Test & Treat Solution.
Intelligent Diagnostics
Inflammation is the core of the Complete Wellness Panel. As a true screening test, C-Reactive Protein is the most comprehensive tool for identifying if disease is present, or the body is in a state that promotes disease development. Unfortunately, being very sensitive (ie. any number of conditions can cause inflammation), figuring out the source and how to resolve it can be somewhat challenging.
VDI employees Intelligent Diagnostics, AI Data-Driven analysis, to provide the most probable sources of inflammation as a place to start. This is a differential list that changes case by case, sample by sample becoming a useful tool in patient management.
CRP/Albumin Ratio (CAR)
A unique integration of VDI’s high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein test with Albumin, is a way to understand how well the dog’s body is managing inflammation. It’s a way to contextualize any inflammation that may be present to help decide how aggressively to search, diagnose, and treat the inflammatory stimulus. Read more about CAR here.
Specialty Tests for Early Detection
Lastly, Complete Wellness has unique specialty tests that are specially designed for early detection of two common diseases in dogs: osteoarthritis and cancer. Both conditions, when caught early, have better outcomes with intervention. Start screening early before disease is present.
Read more on: Cancer Risk Assessment and Osteoarthritis