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Feline GI Lymphoma Panel

Background:Differentiating GI Lymphoma from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) continues to be a challenge in many cats. When ultrasound is suggestive and biopsy is not an option, alternative pathways to diagnosis are needed. The VDI Cancer Panel is a tool, when used in conjunction with an ultrasound, that can help rule-in LSA in the suspected cat. […] Read more »

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CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT™ – Understand, Implement, and Interpret.

Background: Early detection of disease allows for more treatment options and often results in better outcomes. Canine cancer is unfortunately a disease that can stay well hidden for a long time before becoming clinically evident, far into development. The Cancer Risk Assessment™ (CRA) is a blood test to screen apparently healthy dogs for early signs […] Read more »

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Background: Early detection of disease allows for more treatment options and often results in better outcomes. Canine cancer is unfortunately a disease that can stay well hidden for a long time before becoming clinically evident, far into development. The Cancer Risk Assessment™ (CRA) is a blood test to screen apparently healthy dogs for early signs […] Read more »

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Body of Evidence: Thymidine Kinase Type 1

Biomarker for Cancer Clinical Applications and Research We’re excited to bring you the newest Growing Body of Evidence: Thymidine Kinase. Research in support of TK1 as a biomarker for cancer detection and monitoring continues to mount. The Growing Body of Evidence provides a summary of that research, and applications for use in your practice. Click […] Read more »

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Use of TK1/CRP to monitor cancer therapy in dogs

As tumors advance they become more poorly differentiated.  This results in a higher rate of incomplete cell cycle replication (dysregulated replication), higher tumor burden, and a higher rate of cell growth.  All three of these factors increase TK1 levels substantially.  Further, since inflammation is a functional part of tumor metastasis, cCRP also increases.  Together, they […] Read more »

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Use of TK1/CRP in various Canine Cancers

Published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Selting et al. examined the use of thymidine kinase, type 1 (TK1) and canine specific C-reactive protein (cCRP) in a wide range of hematological and solid tumors. There were 253 tumor-bearing dogs and 156 without cancer. Cancer: Dysregulated Proliferation TK1, an enzyme responsible for the production of thymidine […] Read more »

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CRP/Albumin Ration (CAR) as an outcome predictor in cancer patients

Background The C-reactive protein/albumin ratio (CAR) is quickly finding ground as an outcome predictor in cancer. In both human and veterinary medicine, cancer mortality or complications arising from cancer is of major concern. In human medicine the use of CAR has been studied and found to be predictive of poor outcomes in a wide range of cancers, […] Read more »

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“Hypercalcemia of Malignancy” may not be due to malignancy

The term “hypercalcemia of malignancy” is routinely used when calcium is elevated and PTH is below normal, and for good reason— this situation is often a result of malignant neoplasia, particularly lymphoma, anal sac adenocarcinoma, or multiple myeloma.  However, many other diseases can fall into this category such as granulomatous disease, hyperthyroidism, vitamin D intoxication, and Addison’s […] Read more »